
Life, thoughts, stories and ideas.


drivers.rar HanRun HR911105A 14/20 CLKOUT INT WOL SO SI SCK CS RESET VCC GND 接线 ENC28J60 Arduino Due/UNO Arduino Mega VCC 3V3 3V3 CLKOUT ENC-WOL RESET RESET RESET ENC-INT 2 2 GND GND GND SCK 13 52 MISO 12 50 MOSI 11 51 CS 10 53 另外一个库的接法 https://github.com/jcw/ethercard 该库支持DNS,DHCP 测试可用。 – – VCC 3.3V GND GND SCK Pin 13 SO Pin 12 SI Pin 11 CS Pin 8 # Selectable with the ether.begin() function